Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Blog #18: Newspapers & MSB

What lessons did you learn from the Industrialization Newspaper that you carry forward into the MSB project?

In the newspaper project I learned a lot that I can incorporate in my MSB project. Now for my project i can do a newspaper article. Now I can a hard or soft lead, including the What, Who, Why, Where, When. Something else I learned is there always going to be complication so I learned how to deal with it.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog #15—Possible MSB products

First Idea:
I would love to a photograph that addresses the biggest consequences of water pollution(at least here in San Diego)

Second Idea:
Another possible idea that I can do is an art piece. Maybe like an animal made from trash (Aluminum soda cans)

2. Post an example of a professional or other high-level product that could serve as a basis for your work.


From this are piece I like how they used the can.
For my project I may create something else like turtle or fishes. But it really helped me get a basic idea.

Example 2
There were many examples of photography from the previous year. Some of them for example took pictures from the poster up in the Beaches. I mostly saw the thr Rule of Third being use, I think that one of my favorite technique but i would like to do something more out of the box.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Blog #14—MSB Questions & Resources

Main question.
How bad is the pollution in the water?

who is effected the most? People or wild life?
what is the biggest problem pollution has cause?
why is this happening???

3. Post at least three potentially useful resources. These could be news stories, videos, photography, etc.



4. Write a few sentences or make a list of ideas that you got from your resources that could help move your project forward. How can you apply this information? How might it work for

Well in this websites and pictures I really got inspired. Kind of all the articles are kind broad. But I can definitely use this information for my project.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Blog 13. Industralizition and Coastal Enviroment

1. What is the issue, controversy or event in the story? What are the basic facts?
This is issue is important because its informing the people of polluting. In September of 2009 there was a 1,370 gallons sewage spill in Mission Valley that led all the way to Dog Beach. I pick this story because i think its funny how when this happened we had the field trip to the dog beach to test the water for E-coil.

2. What information is missing from the story?
Information that is missing from the story is what happened to the sewage. How did they fix or try to fix it.

3. What would be your next steps if you were creating a follow up to this story?
To follow up with this article I would maybe compare it with other spills, or interview someone like from Surfrider so they could tell us how is this can effect the "big picture,"

Friday, October 2, 2009

Blog 11. CIVIL WAR essay

Civil War Blog

Like the Rebels of Old, Still Bursting With Pride”

When I heard that people thought that the Civil War was still going on it sounded like a crazy idea. Right? But no. The Civil War is still going on because of two main reasons. After the war “ended,” the Democratic Party philosophy and beliefs was still expanding across the U.S, the Democrats had taken over Also there’s still so many discrimination, this issue occurred during the Civil War. Discrimination in present time is shown mostly in the south.

In a little town not that long ago, Freddie Morrow a black seventeen year old boy was convicted of killing Michael Waterman, a white nineteen year old man who carried a Confederate flag in the back of his red pick up truck. Tony Horwitz, an author, went to Michael’s hometown, Guthrie, to go deeper in this controversy, to go deep in their roots of both victims of this case.

Freddie Morrow was originally from Chicago; there he became known as the “bad boy” so his mom sent him to Guthrie with his relatives. At first, he stayed clear out of trouble, but soon enough he went back to his old ways. Freddie confess that he did not know what the confederate flag meant, all he knew was that it was a sign used in Dukes of Hazzard and something that blacks hated “The banner was simply something whites knew that blacks hated. The same goes for Michael, his wife stated in court why Michael had the flag in the back of his truck “It matched his truck and made it look sharp”

The day of the accident, Freddie was at a gas station with his friends when they noticed a red pick up truck with a confederate flag in the back, so they decided to follow the car. There were allegations that Michael had taunted them by saying racial slurs like “niggers” and that Michael had “reached out of the truck’s sliding back window and shook the rebel flag” Then Freddie pulled the trigger and shot Michael. Freddie was founded guilty of felony murder, attempted aggravated kidnapped, and civil-rights intimidation.

Michael had attended Todd Central High School where there mascot was a rebel. Inside the school there was an oversize mural with two “cartoonish” Confederates holding battle flags. “They make me so proud” said Frances Chapman, she led the petition drive for them to keep this ridiculous mascots. Why keep a symbol of slavery and discrimination? And not just as Mascot, but anywhere.

Before the accident occurred, during Martin Luther King’s birthday weekend, in a placed called Redbone’s Saloon, they celebrated “Thank God for James Earl Ray Party.” On in a Sunday morning after church, the KKK was actually recruiting people right outside. “I’ve had enough of those niggers telling us what to do”

In Michael and Freddie’s tragedy it shows a civil war related story about discrimination, Guthrie’s “white citizens” turn against their black neighbors. Things that weren’t suppose to be celebrated were celebrated (Martin Luther King’s. assassin was celebrated like a “KING”). KKK weren’t supposed to swarm the streets after Sunday’s church, and schools mascot shouldn’t represent slavery and discrimination. Another reason why the Civil War never really had its ending is because it never actually finished.

Democrats who were mostly retired Confederates took over the Government and corrupted the system. For example in the 15th amendment, known as the third Reconstruction Amendment, it stated that it was prohibited to deny the right to vote to Men. This law was made to protect the rights of slaves and African American, but there were southerners and Democrats that found loop holes. They came up with literary test and other ridiculous excuses to deny the right for them to vote.

The Presidents have had a big role on all of this as well. Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, during his term as president passed the 13th amendment (First of the three Reconstruction Amendments) which prohibited slavery only in the case of punishment. Andrew Johnson, who took over presidency when Abraham was killed, is said to be one of the worst president. He passed the Black Codes, which are laws that control all aspects of African Americans rights (similar to the Jim Crow Laws). Do I need to explain why this is so wrong? Also he vetoes the first Civil Right Bill and was not passed until 1965. Another not so great president was Ulysses S. Grant. He was not very effective, he watched how the Democrats took over the south, and didn’t do anything to restore the power, and so the White League and Red Shirts decided to join the National Guard.

The Reconstruction Era in my opinion was the transitional period of the original Civil to the “war” we know now. Discrimination is the evidence that backs up this statement. Put all of this together and you’ll see that the war they though were “over” still to this day is alive.

Work Cited:

Horwitz, Tony. "Dying Gor Dixie". Confederates In The Attic. Pantheon, 1998.