Monday, November 16, 2009

Optional Assignment.

The writing that I choose to help improve my writing style the Twilight Saga novel. The reason that I really admire the writings is because the author is very smart on how to make it flow. When you write a four book collection you got to make sure it flows so it can sound good. Stephanie Meyer (author) I think can do a good job with that. Most of every sentence is there for reason; she has a purpose for everything. A point behind everything. For example in last novel of the Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn, she specifically brings up a story about a coven of vampires, and which later they become very important characters that play a big role. I really think I can take this style of writing for my Media Saves the Beach writing to make it seem like everything I write help support my topic and cause. And also I can make my writing flow just like Stephanie Meyer's work. Everything in my writing needs to there for a reason, and connect to the next topic. Not talk about pollution at Imperial Beach one minute and the next about the T.J governor. I have read all four books and they have inspired me to read more and to be passionate about writing. And there others elements that I would like to take from her writing style and skills.


Friday, November 13, 2009

Blog #23: Environmental Current Events

Post a news story or current event that is connected to your MSB work

1. Summarize the event.
In this article they go into topic about how the Tijuana River run off is effecting the beaches. In Imperial Beach the problem is so bad that WildCoast has sign up surfers to receive free heptatis- A vaccines.

2. What is the most important info presented in the story?

The most important information presented in this story is that is like a little summary of what my goal of writing is. It has the info like whats the problem in Imp. and whats causing it along with the consequences.

3. What info is missing?

The info that is missing from the story is how can we prevent the pollution . That is part of my essential question so I would just add this details.

4. How does this info play into your MSB work?

This info plays into my MSB work because this gave me an outline how I can lay out my info in a way that it makes it flow.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Blog #21: Gatsby! Ch 1-4

Gatsby and Nick are both somewhat detached from their surroundings. Compare and contrast this sense of detachment. How are they similar and/or different in this respect?

Gatsby is very similar to Nick in a sense that they both like to lie back, and not be part of the large crowd.When Gatsby throws the huge parties, he just goes to the bar and chooses whom to talk to. When Nick went to Tom's party, he felt out of place, he wanted to leave but Tom wouldn't let him. But one of the biggest differences between them is that Gatsby is rich, and Nick is not. Another obvious reason is that Gatsby in head over heels over Daisy( Supposedly)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Blog #20: Beginning The Great Gatsby

1. Who is the narrator? Describe his perspective, biases, character traits, etc.
The narrator is Nick Carroway, who comes from From the Midwest of a wealthy family. When he was younger he went to war and collage.

2. What do you think F. Scott Fiitzgerald accomplishes by chooses this specific narrator versus another choice, such as a different character or 3rd person?
I think the author picked Nick as the "main character" because he is the neutral party, the fly in the wall. He said in the beginning that he was trustworthy.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Blog #19: Critique a professional example

1. What is the most successful element of this work sample? The most successful element of the picture is the beautiness and breathtaking view.

2. What is the message of the work? The message of this work is to show the beauty of this place. You can tell because it's showing the sunset or sundown.

3. Who or what is the intended audience for this work? The intended audience of this work is anyone that can enjoy a beautiful water view.

4. How do specific elements of the work sample come together to deliver the message?

5. Describe one technique the creator of this work used. Why do you think this technique was used for this specific piece of work? A technique used in the picture is lighting and contrast. The lighting hits perfectly to underline the horizon.

6. Why did you choose this work sample? I've chosen this work sample because it is a beautiful picture and its about the ocean/ water so its related to the project. I can take the techniques they used here for my own pictures.