Friday, November 13, 2009

Blog #23: Environmental Current Events

Post a news story or current event that is connected to your MSB work

1. Summarize the event.
In this article they go into topic about how the Tijuana River run off is effecting the beaches. In Imperial Beach the problem is so bad that WildCoast has sign up surfers to receive free heptatis- A vaccines.

2. What is the most important info presented in the story?

The most important information presented in this story is that is like a little summary of what my goal of writing is. It has the info like whats the problem in Imp. and whats causing it along with the consequences.

3. What info is missing?

The info that is missing from the story is how can we prevent the pollution . That is part of my essential question so I would just add this details.

4. How does this info play into your MSB work?

This info plays into my MSB work because this gave me an outline how I can lay out my info in a way that it makes it flow.

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