Thursday, April 29, 2010

World War 2 Letter

Dear Henry,

We all miss you here, and wish that you are doing well so soon you can come back home. Mom says that she loves you very much and misses her big cheese. It's been a while since I last heard from you; last I heard you were stationed in Hawaii. How I wish you are here to see how things are things are changing.

I got a job at a factory, can you believe that? At first I could not believe it either. There are posters everywhere encouraging women to join the workforce encouraging us to work. “We can Do It” they say to us it look like they spoke to every women in the world because now we all working. Can you imagine that? Rosie the Riveter has showed women that we are not just stay at home women and clean, we are strong working women that deserve respect and any job we want. Now that all the men are at war after the Pearl Harbor attacks we are left here in charge and becoming head of the houses, our kids rely on Times are changing for the better, the United States is changing. Women have even had the chance to be apart of the Army, here they created what’s called the Women’s Army Corps. At first we all thought that it was a temporary place where they can shove a broad make them work auxiliary roles, but as if July it became a permanent branch to the ARMY.

Well I hope my talk can distract you a bit from everything you are going through over there, wherever you are. I know that you been stationed in Hawaii when the Pearl Harbor attacks happen, I read stories of how people could only saw dust around them, how they could hear the guns going off for so much time. So if you survived that then you can get through this, there is word that we are winning the war. Everyone hopes this to be true.

Your Sister


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