Thursday, September 17, 2009

Blog 7. Final Photo and Artist Statement


“I feel like I’m strong because I was capable to raise my girls. I feel very independent.” This is words of. Cristina Alvarado, or like who I like to call Mama or Mami, has showed me throughout the years that single moms are strong and can be very independent. Being a parent is hard enough, but being single is much more complicated, but my mom has fought against all odds.

She came from Mexico when she was 19 years. When she arrived she enrolled in school to learn English during the day, and worked as a janitor at the Police Department at night. At school she met my dad and got married, soon after they had my sister. Three years later they had me. Seven years into their marriage they decided to get a divorce. I was too small to understand what was going on. I was only three years old.

We had to move closer to my grandma so my mom could work full time and my grandma could take care of us. My mom had to work extra hard and yet she had time to volunteer at my school, take us to Girl Scouts, and drama classes. After a couple of years my mom got pregnant and when my little sister was born she was diagnosed with the Turner Syndrome. I felt horrible and so did my sister and family, but my mom was the one that kept us together and told us that everything was going to be alright. She said she felt bad and guilty. She recently told me, “I had to be stronger because I had to confront the situation and make the best of it.” Her optimism is also something I admire about her too.

She has been put in situations that have forced her to make hard decisions. In a regular husband-wife relationship they have each other to lean on, but with a single mother they don’t have that. Single moms have to make those decisions alone and worry if they’re making the wrong ones. There were so many things she did that shaped my principals. She has taught me wrong from right, good and bad, but the most important thing is that she has given us the best example of what strong women are. Her story is one that anyone can relate to, I know I can. Now when things get though in life I don’t go crying to my mom and asking her for help. I remember when I was small and someone had punched me or taking my doll I would go crying to my mom asking for help, but now I really feel independent, I can solve my own problems

When I look back and see everything my mom has done I get so inspired. All her actions have affected me because whatever choices she makes, she always makes them thinking about my sisters and me. When I was small I always said I wanted to like my mom, because she puts her children before her and for me that’s what a mom should be. I hope that when I grow up and have my own kids I can pass on the message that women are strong, independent and that being single and alone shouldn’t make you feel less.

There are millions and millions of women that are in the same situation that she is in and are struggling day to day When my sisters and I grow up and we are struggling we can look back and see how my mom surpassed everything and see that we can go through anything. She has made us stronger

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