Friday, June 18, 2010

Reflection 2

Describe your vision for yourself in pursuing higher education.

My vision for higher education right new is very blurry. I’m not sure what I want to do, as I said in my Ampersand articles. I use to see as a bad thing, but after my experience and lesson in internship I learned that’s it’s normal and a lot of people go through it, but I am confident that one I will find the right path.

Beyond grades, what motivates you to work hard at school?

What motivates me to work hard is my family. My family is a big part of who I am, so I want to make them proud of whom I will become. My mom has thought me to be a hard working person as I mention in my American Icon Essay, and I’m very grateful of all the great things she done.

Reflection 1

Describe one valuable mistake you made this year.

One valuable mistake that I learned from was failing math my first semester. I don’t really think that I necessarily become well in math the second semester but it traumatize me and motivated me to keep the grades up. So for second semester when we were assign Functonal art project math project I worked really hard and tried my best on making the best with both actual artwork and artist statement.

What project was most valuable to you, and what have you gained from it?

I think it’s a tie between my photo essay and Ampersand because I reflected a lot, something I didn’t do that much before in my writings. Writing both of these made me see who I was becoming and made realize so many other things about myself that I had not notice before.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Writing Reflection

Explain one or more specific aspects of your writing that have improved this year. In this explanation, you must directly refer to at least two specific pieces of writing that you produced for this class. You may use any assignment, project, writing sample, draft, blog entry, etc. You should discuss the writing tips & strategies we studied, the processes & methods we used, the critiques & drafts we employed and the products we created (feel free to use these specific key terms to keep your reflection focused).

A specific aspect that I have improved was connecting my writing to current world or me. My civil war essay in my opinion was jut explaining the problem but never going further, for example I could have used the quotes in a way to connect it to more of the modern war and end it with my opinion to make it more personalized. A good example of a writing that I am proud that I achieved to connect with me was the nature writing because I connected all he did to me, I just reflective a lot more than in my first writing.

Describe one specific goal for your future writing. Your explanation of your goal(s) must include some or all of the following: writing samples from this year, writing strategies you have used in the past, writing strategies or techniques you would like to develop, examples from authors you respect, etc.

A writing goal I have is just making my writing high quality by using writing techniques I learned this year. A writing technique I would definitely use is use quantity to improve quality because this helped me with my Ampersand article. I used my Internship Photo Essay and just went from there to make a new and improve ARTICLE. This technique seems to help me a lot in other essays also, like in my Media Saves the Beach.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Literary Reflections

If I could bring any character to college with me from one of the novels we have read this year it would be Chris McCandless from Into the Wild. I would like him to be one of my classmate and my roommate because I know that he was an extraordinary person and had very interesting views on life and lived by them.

He would have been an incredible and opinionated addition to class and discussions. He was already an educated man “you don’t have to worry about me. I have a college education. I’m not a destitute. I’m living like this by choice”. He shows the character he is, not caring about what society thinks it’s the way to live. In class you always wants to see other people opinion, and Chris would definitely show the other side.

Not a lot of people had come in my life and change my way or views in life (well mostly because I never had any) so having Chris there would had change because I would had someone that would actually be there hammering me to have an opinion and voice it out. He touched a lot of people with meeting them not that long One of the people that Chris met once her meeting “there was something fascinated about him… he was hungry to learn about things. Unlike most of us he was the sort of person who insisted on living in our beliefs.” they had just met one time and when she found out about his death it amazed how much it bother her.