Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Blog #28: Nature Writing Essay

Blog #28: Nature Writing Essay
Into the Wild is a novel written by Jon Krakauer, about a nature loving young man, Chris McCandless, who fulfill his desires and goals and goes of into the wild, without any sort of communication to the world, camping in Alaska for months. He was passionate about being in pure nature, wanting to "shed unnecessary baggage." Through my eyes he was admirable in many different ways even though people “see nothing positive about Chris”. He was the type of person, a very rare one too, that change and touched people life with just very little time of knowing each other. Also someone that is determined and persistent on trying to reach his goal, that’s a very hard quality to find now a day.

Having the ability to change people’s life with just little time together is amazing. Chris McCandless traveled through the United States (Mexico too.) changing people’s life, one in particular Ronal Franz. Franz was 88 years old devoted Christian when he picked up Chris; and Chris opened Franz's eyes to see how lonely he had been and that there could be happiness. They spend much time together; the age difference didn’t see to be a problem for the two of them. He was so touch by Chris that before he dropped him of in Interstate 70 outside Grand Junction he proposed that he could adopt Chris. Chris reaction was to shrug it off and discuss it when he came back from Alaska. Chris insisted that he should radically change his lifestyle and start living bold. “The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experience, and hence there is no greater joy that to have an endless changing horizon” “Be nomadic” were his exact words to Franz in a letter Chris sent to Franz. Even by not knowing Chris that long people were convinced that he wasn’t a common wayfare. After Chris to Alaska he took his advice, moved all his furniture to storage and took over Chris’ old campsite pass the hot springs. Wayne Westerberg picked up Chris in September 10, gave him job and a roof over his head. “McCandless worked hard, doing dirty, tedious jobs that nobody else wanted to tackle. “ Wayne’s mom only met him once and she recalls her meeting “there was something fascinated about him…. he was hungry to learn about things. Unlike most of us he was the sort of person who insisted on living in our beliefs.” He had just met one time and when she found out about his death it amazed how much it bother her. Chris had this effect in people, met him and talk to him for a couple of minutes you’ll be given him your credit card number.

He’s determination and persistent is also a quality that I admire about him. Chris started this whole adventure with his car that he bought himself, he loved that car, very proud of it, but in a flash flood it was all gone. This car meant so much to him, that he refused his father, Walt, to buy him a new one as a present when he graduated from College. That might have stop him but no, he looked at it in a positive way, “He saw the flash food as an opportunity to shed unnecessary baggage.” When he reached Alaska apparently the floor was iced, he wasn’t being careful so he fell through the ice, I think that’s pretty funny because Chris is actually scare of the water, icy water, so when he fell I though he was done, and wouldn’t want to move on, but he got up and continue. “He was really into pushing himself” said one of Chris’ high school team members in cross country. I wish I was persistent. Pushing my self to the fullest is something that I personally think can’t do. But that’s what I admire about him.

Passionate, is one word I could use to describe Chris. Passionate about his desire, self driving by them. “Wilderness appealed to those bored or disgusted with man and his works” We all need to passionate to be have a long lasting goal in life or at least in that very moment, so what if we were all as passionate as Chris? If we all wanted our goals as much as he wanted to be in the wild? “Ten days and nights of freight trains and hitchhiking bring him to the great white north. No longer to be poisoned by civilization he flees, and walks upon the land to become lost in the wild” You can see his passion burning in his writings. “The desert is the environment of revelation” was his philosophy. And when he arrived at Alaska, he wrote “I am Reborn. This is my dawn. Real life has just begun.” After living in Alaska for about four months, he finally accomplish his goals... desires… objective

After reading this wonderful art of writing, it really leaves with realizations about yourself. Am I doing what makes me happy? Or is society holding me back? Chris McCandless would answer that he did whatever he wanted, even though he died of starvation, he died peaceful. He had fulfilled his duties as an adventurer with passion, persistent and determination. It was a bonus that he did it with touching random peoples life from all over the Untied States. “Chris McCandless was at peace, serene as a monk gone to God”

Nature Writing Draft or Outline

1. Do you feel, as one letter writer did, that there is “nothing positive at all about Chris McCandless’ lifestyle or wilderness doctrine …surviving a near death experience does not make you a better human it makes you damn lucky” (Ch 8, pg 71); or do you see something admirable or noble in his struggles and adventures?

Chris McCandless, known as Alex the young man that camped in Alaska for months, was admirable in many ways. He was passionate about wanted to reach and fulfill his desires, which in my opinion was to be in pure nature, wanted to "shed unnecessary baggage." (pg 29.) He was determined and persistent to reach his goal that all those speed bumps didnt stop him, losing his car in a flash flood or canoeing his way out of Mexico was tough situations that I think not a lot of people can go through and still have high spirits afterwards. Something else that i found very admirable and inspirational about the "experience" that Chris went through is that he stayed true to himself in a way. He didnt do what was expected of him, he was his own person. He fulfill his dreams, some people may argue that they were crazy, but I don't really see something bad about it, it just happened to be that nature was his driving force.

Second Paragraph.

Third Paragraph
Speed bumps in adventures usually slows and discourages people but in Chris' situation in opinion really didn't had much effect on his attitude.
(Talk about when he last his car)
(About when he canoe his way out of Mexico after getting lost)
(Not having that much money didnt stop him,instead he worked McDonalds)

Third Paragraph.
(ch 11 talks about staying true to himself, how he keep on doing his trips even though his parents though it was a bad idea, he though it was okay.)

Last Paragraph.
Summarize everything from all the paragraphs, finish it off with the future-ish

Notes: Use the loop hole. Explain the novel in the beginning.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Blog #27: Nature Writing

Into the Wild
Choose two of the following:

1. Read the italicized passage on page 168 that McCandless wrote and the italicized passage he highlighted from Tolstoy on page 169. Based on these writings and events in this chapter, what convinced McCandless that it was time to return to civilization? What did he learn from his time “in the wild”?

3. Do you feel, as one letter writer did, that there is “nothing positive at all about Chris McCandless’ lifestyle or wilderness doctrine …surviving a near death experience does not make you a better human it makes you damn lucky” (116); or do you see something admirable or noble in his struggles and adventures? Was he justified in the pain he brought to family and friends in choosing his own solitary course in life?

There is something admirable about what Chris went through. Not a lot people have the guts to do what Chris did. From what I read he wanted to be in pure nature, wanted to "shed unnecessary baggage." (pg 29.) Some people may not agree with the way he did it, but I don't see another way he would've done it getting the same results. He was persistent in the way that all those speed bumps didn't stop him. He canoe his way through Mexico and his way back. "Nature"

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Blog #26: Professional Exhibition? Contest?

MSB projects must go beyond the walls of HTHMA. You have two basic choices: enter a contest or have a professional organization exhibit your work.


2.The contest requirements are that we snap a picture of something extraordinary.It dosen't specified on the the file size or permission forms. But the entry is every month. I have to be a member of the website, no fee.

3. Evaluate your work against their requirements. Will your work be accepted?
Yeah I think my work will be accepted. I have all the requirements, and I'm very proud of the quality of my photos.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Optional Assignment.

The writing that I choose to help improve my writing style the Twilight Saga novel. The reason that I really admire the writings is because the author is very smart on how to make it flow. When you write a four book collection you got to make sure it flows so it can sound good. Stephanie Meyer (author) I think can do a good job with that. Most of every sentence is there for reason; she has a purpose for everything. A point behind everything. For example in last novel of the Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn, she specifically brings up a story about a coven of vampires, and which later they become very important characters that play a big role. I really think I can take this style of writing for my Media Saves the Beach writing to make it seem like everything I write help support my topic and cause. And also I can make my writing flow just like Stephanie Meyer's work. Everything in my writing needs to there for a reason, and connect to the next topic. Not talk about pollution at Imperial Beach one minute and the next about the T.J governor. I have read all four books and they have inspired me to read more and to be passionate about writing. And there others elements that I would like to take from her writing style and skills.


Friday, November 13, 2009

Blog #23: Environmental Current Events

Post a news story or current event that is connected to your MSB work

1. Summarize the event.
In this article they go into topic about how the Tijuana River run off is effecting the beaches. In Imperial Beach the problem is so bad that WildCoast has sign up surfers to receive free heptatis- A vaccines.

2. What is the most important info presented in the story?

The most important information presented in this story is that is like a little summary of what my goal of writing is. It has the info like whats the problem in Imp. and whats causing it along with the consequences.

3. What info is missing?

The info that is missing from the story is how can we prevent the pollution . That is part of my essential question so I would just add this details.

4. How does this info play into your MSB work?

This info plays into my MSB work because this gave me an outline how I can lay out my info in a way that it makes it flow.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Blog #21: Gatsby! Ch 1-4

Gatsby and Nick are both somewhat detached from their surroundings. Compare and contrast this sense of detachment. How are they similar and/or different in this respect?

Gatsby is very similar to Nick in a sense that they both like to lie back, and not be part of the large crowd.When Gatsby throws the huge parties, he just goes to the bar and chooses whom to talk to. When Nick went to Tom's party, he felt out of place, he wanted to leave but Tom wouldn't let him. But one of the biggest differences between them is that Gatsby is rich, and Nick is not. Another obvious reason is that Gatsby in head over heels over Daisy( Supposedly)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Blog #20: Beginning The Great Gatsby

1. Who is the narrator? Describe his perspective, biases, character traits, etc.
The narrator is Nick Carroway, who comes from From the Midwest of a wealthy family. When he was younger he went to war and collage.

2. What do you think F. Scott Fiitzgerald accomplishes by chooses this specific narrator versus another choice, such as a different character or 3rd person?
I think the author picked Nick as the "main character" because he is the neutral party, the fly in the wall. He said in the beginning that he was trustworthy.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Blog #19: Critique a professional example

1. What is the most successful element of this work sample? The most successful element of the picture is the beautiness and breathtaking view.

2. What is the message of the work? The message of this work is to show the beauty of this place. You can tell because it's showing the sunset or sundown.

3. Who or what is the intended audience for this work? The intended audience of this work is anyone that can enjoy a beautiful water view.

4. How do specific elements of the work sample come together to deliver the message?

5. Describe one technique the creator of this work used. Why do you think this technique was used for this specific piece of work? A technique used in the picture is lighting and contrast. The lighting hits perfectly to underline the horizon.

6. Why did you choose this work sample? I've chosen this work sample because it is a beautiful picture and its about the ocean/ water so its related to the project. I can take the techniques they used here for my own pictures.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Blog #18: Newspapers & MSB

What lessons did you learn from the Industrialization Newspaper that you carry forward into the MSB project?

In the newspaper project I learned a lot that I can incorporate in my MSB project. Now for my project i can do a newspaper article. Now I can a hard or soft lead, including the What, Who, Why, Where, When. Something else I learned is there always going to be complication so I learned how to deal with it.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog #15—Possible MSB products

First Idea:
I would love to a photograph that addresses the biggest consequences of water pollution(at least here in San Diego)

Second Idea:
Another possible idea that I can do is an art piece. Maybe like an animal made from trash (Aluminum soda cans)

2. Post an example of a professional or other high-level product that could serve as a basis for your work.


From this are piece I like how they used the can.
For my project I may create something else like turtle or fishes. But it really helped me get a basic idea.

Example 2
There were many examples of photography from the previous year. Some of them for example took pictures from the poster up in the Beaches. I mostly saw the thr Rule of Third being use, I think that one of my favorite technique but i would like to do something more out of the box.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Blog #14—MSB Questions & Resources

Main question.
How bad is the pollution in the water?

who is effected the most? People or wild life?
what is the biggest problem pollution has cause?
why is this happening???

3. Post at least three potentially useful resources. These could be news stories, videos, photography, etc.



4. Write a few sentences or make a list of ideas that you got from your resources that could help move your project forward. How can you apply this information? How might it work for

Well in this websites and pictures I really got inspired. Kind of all the articles are kind broad. But I can definitely use this information for my project.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Blog 13. Industralizition and Coastal Enviroment

1. What is the issue, controversy or event in the story? What are the basic facts?
This is issue is important because its informing the people of polluting. In September of 2009 there was a 1,370 gallons sewage spill in Mission Valley that led all the way to Dog Beach. I pick this story because i think its funny how when this happened we had the field trip to the dog beach to test the water for E-coil.

2. What information is missing from the story?
Information that is missing from the story is what happened to the sewage. How did they fix or try to fix it.

3. What would be your next steps if you were creating a follow up to this story?
To follow up with this article I would maybe compare it with other spills, or interview someone like from Surfrider so they could tell us how is this can effect the "big picture,"

Friday, October 2, 2009

Blog 11. CIVIL WAR essay

Civil War Blog

Like the Rebels of Old, Still Bursting With Pride”

When I heard that people thought that the Civil War was still going on it sounded like a crazy idea. Right? But no. The Civil War is still going on because of two main reasons. After the war “ended,” the Democratic Party philosophy and beliefs was still expanding across the U.S, the Democrats had taken over Also there’s still so many discrimination, this issue occurred during the Civil War. Discrimination in present time is shown mostly in the south.

In a little town not that long ago, Freddie Morrow a black seventeen year old boy was convicted of killing Michael Waterman, a white nineteen year old man who carried a Confederate flag in the back of his red pick up truck. Tony Horwitz, an author, went to Michael’s hometown, Guthrie, to go deeper in this controversy, to go deep in their roots of both victims of this case.

Freddie Morrow was originally from Chicago; there he became known as the “bad boy” so his mom sent him to Guthrie with his relatives. At first, he stayed clear out of trouble, but soon enough he went back to his old ways. Freddie confess that he did not know what the confederate flag meant, all he knew was that it was a sign used in Dukes of Hazzard and something that blacks hated “The banner was simply something whites knew that blacks hated. The same goes for Michael, his wife stated in court why Michael had the flag in the back of his truck “It matched his truck and made it look sharp”

The day of the accident, Freddie was at a gas station with his friends when they noticed a red pick up truck with a confederate flag in the back, so they decided to follow the car. There were allegations that Michael had taunted them by saying racial slurs like “niggers” and that Michael had “reached out of the truck’s sliding back window and shook the rebel flag” Then Freddie pulled the trigger and shot Michael. Freddie was founded guilty of felony murder, attempted aggravated kidnapped, and civil-rights intimidation.

Michael had attended Todd Central High School where there mascot was a rebel. Inside the school there was an oversize mural with two “cartoonish” Confederates holding battle flags. “They make me so proud” said Frances Chapman, she led the petition drive for them to keep this ridiculous mascots. Why keep a symbol of slavery and discrimination? And not just as Mascot, but anywhere.

Before the accident occurred, during Martin Luther King’s birthday weekend, in a placed called Redbone’s Saloon, they celebrated “Thank God for James Earl Ray Party.” On in a Sunday morning after church, the KKK was actually recruiting people right outside. “I’ve had enough of those niggers telling us what to do”

In Michael and Freddie’s tragedy it shows a civil war related story about discrimination, Guthrie’s “white citizens” turn against their black neighbors. Things that weren’t suppose to be celebrated were celebrated (Martin Luther King’s. assassin was celebrated like a “KING”). KKK weren’t supposed to swarm the streets after Sunday’s church, and schools mascot shouldn’t represent slavery and discrimination. Another reason why the Civil War never really had its ending is because it never actually finished.

Democrats who were mostly retired Confederates took over the Government and corrupted the system. For example in the 15th amendment, known as the third Reconstruction Amendment, it stated that it was prohibited to deny the right to vote to Men. This law was made to protect the rights of slaves and African American, but there were southerners and Democrats that found loop holes. They came up with literary test and other ridiculous excuses to deny the right for them to vote.

The Presidents have had a big role on all of this as well. Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, during his term as president passed the 13th amendment (First of the three Reconstruction Amendments) which prohibited slavery only in the case of punishment. Andrew Johnson, who took over presidency when Abraham was killed, is said to be one of the worst president. He passed the Black Codes, which are laws that control all aspects of African Americans rights (similar to the Jim Crow Laws). Do I need to explain why this is so wrong? Also he vetoes the first Civil Right Bill and was not passed until 1965. Another not so great president was Ulysses S. Grant. He was not very effective, he watched how the Democrats took over the south, and didn’t do anything to restore the power, and so the White League and Red Shirts decided to join the National Guard.

The Reconstruction Era in my opinion was the transitional period of the original Civil to the “war” we know now. Discrimination is the evidence that backs up this statement. Put all of this together and you’ll see that the war they though were “over” still to this day is alive.

Work Cited:

Horwitz, Tony. "Dying Gor Dixie". Confederates In The Attic. Pantheon, 1998.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blog 10. Reconstruction Era

I believed reconstruction was a transitional period after the Civil War, they were trying to restored government in the U.S. But in my opinion it backfire because the Democratic took over local governments and other establishments. They control the US for a while because they were controlling the government, the KKK and Red Shirts took over the National Guard because they knew they had connections with the Government.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Blog 8. Media Saves the Beach idea

What ideas do you have for Media Saves the Beach? What content interests you? What projects might you create?
For Media Saves the Beach I think I'll be interested in doing an photo ans the artist statement. I think it will be fun cause I really like to expressing my ideas through photography.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Blog 7. Final Photo and Artist Statement


“I feel like I’m strong because I was capable to raise my girls. I feel very independent.” This is words of. Cristina Alvarado, or like who I like to call Mama or Mami, has showed me throughout the years that single moms are strong and can be very independent. Being a parent is hard enough, but being single is much more complicated, but my mom has fought against all odds.

She came from Mexico when she was 19 years. When she arrived she enrolled in school to learn English during the day, and worked as a janitor at the Police Department at night. At school she met my dad and got married, soon after they had my sister. Three years later they had me. Seven years into their marriage they decided to get a divorce. I was too small to understand what was going on. I was only three years old.

We had to move closer to my grandma so my mom could work full time and my grandma could take care of us. My mom had to work extra hard and yet she had time to volunteer at my school, take us to Girl Scouts, and drama classes. After a couple of years my mom got pregnant and when my little sister was born she was diagnosed with the Turner Syndrome. I felt horrible and so did my sister and family, but my mom was the one that kept us together and told us that everything was going to be alright. She said she felt bad and guilty. She recently told me, “I had to be stronger because I had to confront the situation and make the best of it.” Her optimism is also something I admire about her too.

She has been put in situations that have forced her to make hard decisions. In a regular husband-wife relationship they have each other to lean on, but with a single mother they don’t have that. Single moms have to make those decisions alone and worry if they’re making the wrong ones. There were so many things she did that shaped my principals. She has taught me wrong from right, good and bad, but the most important thing is that she has given us the best example of what strong women are. Her story is one that anyone can relate to, I know I can. Now when things get though in life I don’t go crying to my mom and asking her for help. I remember when I was small and someone had punched me or taking my doll I would go crying to my mom asking for help, but now I really feel independent, I can solve my own problems

When I look back and see everything my mom has done I get so inspired. All her actions have affected me because whatever choices she makes, she always makes them thinking about my sisters and me. When I was small I always said I wanted to like my mom, because she puts her children before her and for me that’s what a mom should be. I hope that when I grow up and have my own kids I can pass on the message that women are strong, independent and that being single and alone shouldn’t make you feel less.

There are millions and millions of women that are in the same situation that she is in and are struggling day to day When my sisters and I grow up and we are struggling we can look back and see how my mom surpassed everything and see that we can go through anything. She has made us stronger

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Blog 6. American Icon Reflection

1.In this project I realized that when I first write I just put all my ideas in paper. After many drafts I start to organized them and put them in order to make them more clearer. I also learned that I'm pretty bad at extending my ideas. I had trouble making my writing exactly one page.

2.One technique I tried to incorporate was the Concert, not pancakes. I tried to grab the attention by starting the statement with a quote, and in the end I finish by using a strong statement(She has made us stronger). Another technique I tried to use was was creating a relationship with the audience. I did this by giving personal experiences and relating them too other ideas.

3.If I had time to do one more draft I would first correct my grammar errors, then I'll connect more to me. I put some personal experience in the writing but I think I could have done better. For example I could put some ideas about my sisters and what they think about my mom.

4. One quote I like from my essay is "
When I look back and see everything my mom has done I get so inspired." I like this quote because I think it sums up everything and the message in one sentence.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Blog 5. Critique/ Second Draft

From the feedback I got was that I need to include more how my mom affects me in the present. Also to not just talk about my mom and her struggles but to explain how she overcame then, like who inspired her.

Second Draft

“I feel like I’m strong because I was capable to raise my girls. I feel very independent.” Those are the true words of a good single parent. Cristina Alvarado, or like who I like to call Mama or Mami, has showed me throughout the years that single moms are strong and can be very independent. Being a parent is hard enough, but being single is much more complicated, but my mom has fought against all odds.

She came from Mexico when she was 19 years old with her brother and my grandma. When she arrived she enrolled in school to learn English during the day, and worked as a janitor at the Police Department at night. She mentioned that not knowing English was a struggle and admits that it still is. At school she met my dad and got married, soon after they had my sister. By then my mom had stopped going to school. Three years later they had me. Seven years into their marriage they decided to get a divorce. I was too small to understand what was going on. I was only three years old. We had to move closer to my grandma so my mom could work full time and my grandma could take care of us. My mom had to work extra hard and yet she had time to volunteer at my school, take us to Girl Scouts, and drama classes. After a couple of years my mom got pregnant and when my little sister was born she was diagnosed with the Turner Syndrome. I felt horrible and so did my sister and family, but my mom was the one that kept us together and told us that everything was going to be alright. She said she felt bad and guilty. She recently told me, “I had to be stronger because I had to confront the situation and make the best of it.” Her optimism is also something I admire about her because I think that if other people were like her and thought the same way that she does then the world could be a better place. She has been put in situations that have forced her to make hard decisions. In a regular husband-wife relationship they have each other to lean on, but with a single mother they don’t have that. Single moms have to make those decisions alone and worry if they’re making the wrong ones.

There were so many things she did that shaped my principals. She has taught me wrong from right, good and bad, but the most important thing is that she has given us the best example of what strong women are.

There are millions and millions of women that are in the same situation that she is in and are struggling day to day. My mom is a good example of someone going against the odds and, in my opinion, to the day is doing a pretty good job. When my sisters and I grow up and we are struggling we can look back and see how my mom surpassed everything and see that we can go through anything. She has made us stronger. But not just my sisters and I can look up to her; anyone in the world that is going through a similar situation can too.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Blog 4.. Photo Techniques

One technique I think its interesting is the rule of Thirds because your eyes go straight to one thing.

Macro photography I think is interesting because it catches a moment in life that not a lot of people get to witness because of how small it is, like an unknown moment in life.

I like this picture because it has the combination of the rule of Thirds and reflection. I definitely like the reflection technique because I feel it gives more interest to the picture.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Blog 3. American Icon Resources

The Climb: Miley Cyrus

The song with the lyrics.
2. Interview with my sister of how she feels when she hears the song.

her experience of coming to U.S.A. her coencerns and worries and how she overcame them.
of when she first moved here.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Blog 2. Icons Ideas

1. What does this Icon represent to you? Why?
2. Who and what was important to this Icon? Why?
3. How did this Icon become important in American culture?
4. How did this Icon become important to you?
5. Who and what did this Icon inspire?

Stephanie Meyer is the author of the Twilight series. In June 2, 2003 Stephanie woke up and remember a dream she had about a girl and a vampire. She wrote it down and soon it became a book. She had three more installments after twilight. When I read Twilight it open doors that i didn't know even existed. I had always though that reading was boring and after Twilight I started reading more because I thought it was interesting how you can go read and step into a different world that someone else invented and made up. I think that's interesting how one dream inspire her to make 4 books.

My mom has inspired me as a woman because she had showed me that a single woman can raise 3 girls. She came from Mexico when she was 17 years old with her mom (grandma). She didn’t know any English and then she met my dad. Then she had my sister and me and left school. After 6 or 7 years they divorced. She had to work full time and we had to move closer to my grandma so she could take care of us when my mom went to work. She sacrifice herself to provide for us, she pause her life for us. She enrolled me and my sister in Girl Scouts and she always volunteer to go to school field trips. Then she had my little sister. She had struggle a lot but that hasn’t stopped her. She has show me that even with a lot against her, she had the language barrier and people trying to put her down but that didn’t stop her. So many women around the the world had to go through that, so I think my mom is one of those people that don't let those people effect her. When my little sister was diagnose with Turner syndrome we were all sad and scare for my little sisters life but my mom was the one that kept us calm and told us that everything was going to be alright, she also took very good take care of my sister when she had her kidney taken out. She has kept us strong through and i Know that i can go with her for anything i need.

The Climb Miley Cyrus

The Clmb is song that has teach me that life is hard but you need to learn to deal with hurdles in life and not let it get it to you. It’s such an inspirational song that has taught and inspired me never to give up. The Climb is a song that was written for The Hannah Montana Movie in 2009, its one of the most emotional song I have heard because I think a lot of people can relate to it because its such common and simple emotion that everyone goes through almost on a daily base. For example last week I was in a situation that I wasn’t sure I was capable and had the strength to go through. But when I heard the song I made me cry and it made me realize that I’m strong. Thats the message anyone can figure out when the hear but really hear it and analysis it.

Blog 1. Junior Year

For my Junior year I would like to gain as much knowledge as I can, analyzing everything with more thought. My mom always told me to take advantage of education while I'm still young. She wants me to succeed and that motivates me. One of my goals for this year is to be less shy and start seeing things in a deeper way, in another way get new set of eyes. What I hope to to accomplish for Humanities this year is to get an "A" because last year I had a "B" on Humanities and I could have done better so this year I'm applying myself more.